Cari's Wedding

A friend of mine got married this past weekend at the Mall of America. The ceremony was nice, but it was odd how little attention a bride, a groom, three bridesmaids, and three groomsmen received. Everyone at the mall was much more concerned with getting a seat in the Bubba Gump Shrimp Compay restaurant. However, the bride and groom were happy, and it was one of the few weddings I've ever attended where everyone seemed to be pleased it was taking place.
Hey thanks for the kind words! I wasn't sure if anyone really read my blog anymore besides Ed. Hehe! Having skimmed your blog, you'll be happy to know that "Don't ask/don't tell" discharges are up 11% this year, and the base with the highest number of discharges under the policy is right here in MO. I blame the lesbians! (JK)
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